Want to do a PhD or MPhil that really matters?
Work with world-leading researchers and community leaders for better outcomes for Land and Sea Country.
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (or CIEHF for short) kicked off on 1 July 2024.
Our vision is to work for Healthy Land and Sea Country, centred in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander understandings and approaches and informed by cutting-edge cultural, environmental, and historical research.
What sort of research can I do?
Good question! CIEHF’s research is co-designed with Indigenous partners and looks back 1000 years and forward 100 years to develop new approaches to looking after Country.
Our research spans Indigenous knowledges, Indigenous sciences, archaeology, history, ecology, palaeoecology, palaeoclimatology, mathematics, high-performance computing, remote sensing, genomics and much more … the key thing is that your project aligns with the Centre’s research program to support our vision to work for Healthy Land and Sea Country. If you are still not sure if your project aligns, submit an expression of interest and meet with CIEHF staff to talk through your research ideas.
Are there any scholarships available
90 PhD and MPhil stipends are available, including 71 identified for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates. In addition, we have an Indigenous Top-Up Scholarship program to further attract and support Indigenous candidates. Scholarships can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. Already got your own scholarship but doing research aligned with the Centre? No problem. You can bring your own scholarship to CIEHF if one of your supervisors is affiliated with CIEHF.
What can we offer?
Good question! CIEHF’s research is co-designed with Indigenous partners and looks back 1000 years and forward 100 years to develop new approaches to looking after Country.
Our research spans Indigenous knowledges, Indigenous sciences, archaeology, history, ecology, palaeoecology, palaeoclimatology, mathematics, high-performance computing, remote sensing, genomics and much more … the key thing is that your project aligns with the Centre’s research program to support our vision to work for Healthy Land and Sea Country. If you are still not sure if your project aligns, submit an expression of interest and meet with CIEHF staff to talk through your research ideas.
Where can I study?
90 PhD and MPhil stipends are available, including 71 identified for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates. In addition, we have an Indigenous Top-Up Scholarship program to further attract and support Indigenous candidates. Scholarships can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. Already got your own scholarship but doing research aligned with the Centre? No problem. You can bring your own scholarship to CIEHF if one of your supervisors is affiliated with CIEHF.

Submit an expression of interest
Email us at ciehf@jcu.edu.au with who you are, what you’re interested in, and we will get in touch.
Indigenous Honours (or Equivalent) Scholarships
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (CIEHF) is excited to announce 10 Indigenous Honours (or Equivalent) Scholarships are being released.
What’s on offer?
$10,000 scholarships for full-time Honours or equivalent candidates (1 year).
$5,000/year for part-time candidates (up to 2 years).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
- Enrolled (or planning to enrol) in a relevant research degree at one of the CIEHF’s university nodes: James Cook University, Monash University, University of Melbourne, Flinders University, University of New South Wales, Australian National University, University of Western Australia, University of Tasmania.
- Supervision by a CIEHF Chief Investigator, Partner Investigator, or Associate Investigator.
- Project aligned with CIEHF’s research priorities.
Applications open:
1 December 2024.
Apply early—scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Email ciehf@jcu.edu.au for an application form today
What is an ARC Centre of Excellence?
ARC Centres of Excellence are the largest and most prestigious research investment made by the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Research Council. They are tasked with maintaining and developing Australia’s international standing in research areas of national priority. Through ARC Centres of Excellence, significant collaborations occur between universities, industry, organisations and other research bodies in Australia and overseas, to support outstanding research. The objectives of ARC Centres of Excellence are to:
- undertake innovative and potentially transformational research
- link existing Australian research strengths to address the most challenging and significant research problems
- develop relationships and build new networks with major national and international centres and research programs
- build Australia’s human capacity in a range of research areas
- provide high-quality postgraduate and postdoctoral training environments
- offer Australian researchers opportunities to work on large-scale problems
- establish Centres that have an impact on the wider community through interaction with higher education institutions, governments, industry and the private and non-profit sectors.